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I was not expecting something to look so amazingly sexy… | NightLift


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the ORIGINAL bra and lingerie COLLECTION specifically DESIGNED to PROTECT your BREASTS while you SLEEP

I was not expecting something to look so amazingly sexy…

I love this product and have continued to use it. I liked the color options you had for us and the stylish appearance. I was not expecting something to look so amazingly sexy and to have matching panties!! The fabric is so nice, the only thing that was a discomfort to me was the lettering on the bra band at the back. I’m sure once I have washed it a few times this will not be a problem. The fit was amazing and comfortable. I was expecting to be uncomfortable at night and annoyed with something on. Pleasantly surprised! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who has trouble sleeping with larger breasts.

Thank you, thank you for creating an answer to our sleep problems!


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