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Latest News | NightLift® sleep support lingerie | NightLift - Part 544


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the ORIGINAL bra and lingerie COLLECTION specifically DESIGNED to PROTECT your BREASTS while you SLEEP

See what the NightLift can do! Watch our video!

To really see how the NightLift can change your life and protect your breasts, watch how it works and looks on our video! This video explains what the first and only lingerie collection specifically designed to protect your breasts while you sleep, designed with B.U.S.T.® (bilateral uplift support technology), can do for you!   #protectyourbreasts #wearnightlift

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Can you actually get too much sleep?

After analyzing 16 sleep studies, Professor Franco Cappuccio discovered that sleeping too little or too much can raise your mortality! As reported by BBC and The Daily Beast, the studies showed that sleeping more than eight hours or less than six hours each night have an increased mortality risk than if they had slept for between […]

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The 7 Hottest 2015 Trends in Sleepwear

2015 is already seeing a lot of beautiful, comfy, and sexy trends in sleepwear, including the NightLift collection. To celebrate this year’s nightly fashion thus far, here are the latest in the hottest things to wear to bed (besides the NightLift of course)! Rompers and Jumpsuits Nowadays, owning a romper or a jumpsuit has become a fashion must. […]

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What is B.U.S.T.®?

B.U.S.T.®: Bilateral Uplift Support Technology B.U.S.T.® is the revolutionary new construction system and structural feature shared by all NightLift® sleep support lingerie. This technology lifts, separates and stabilizes the breasts so they don’t move while the wearer is lying down. The B.U.S.T.® SIGNATURE FEATURES INCLUDE:  1. Cradle-shaped, wire-free outer slings that support each breast individually… both medially […]

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NightLift’s TV Debut on Arise Entertainment 360

NightLift‬ had it’s first television debut! Expert plastic surgeon and innovative mastermind behind the NightLift collection, Dr. Randall Hawowrth was featured on BET with Arise Entertainment 360 to talk about what the NightLift can do to protect your breasts! You can watch the full interview with Dr. Haworth below or find it here on YouTube! ‪ #protectyourbreasts #‎wearnightlift‬

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A Bra You Wear to Bed? Meet the NightLift!

Most women could probably agree that gravity is the bosom’s worst enemy, but according to renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Randal Haworth, it doesn’t have to be! Dr. Haworth developed the NightLift, the original bra and lingerie collection that is specifically designed to protect your breasts from gravity while you sleep! If you’re here, it’s probably because you’ve […]

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CurveExpo NY

NightLift has its own booth in the well-known CURVEXPO Mode Lingerie & Swim Show™! The collection was show in Las Vegas for CURVENV on February 16 & 17, and now NightLift is headed to The Big Apple for CURVENY on February 22, 23, & 24. For more information on the CurveExpo and for the NightLift’s booth number, visit […]

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