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Absolutely Loved It! | NightLift


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the ORIGINAL bra and lingerie COLLECTION specifically DESIGNED to PROTECT your BREASTS while you SLEEP

Absolutely Loved It!

As a physician assistant working in aesthetics, I see and treat wrinkles on
the decolletage very often. All of my patients with this concern have one
thing in common: they all sleep on their sides and the skin on the chest
creases, eventually leading to etched-in lines. As a side-sleeper myself, I
wanted to find something to help with this probem. I tried the NightLift
bra and absolutely loved it! It really does prevent creasing on my chest
when I lay on my side! And the fabric is so soft and comfortable. It took
some time getting used to wearing a bra at night, but after a few nights, I
didn’t even notice it was on. I have started to recommend Nightlift to my
patients to complement the treatments I perform in office.

Jacqueline Kenney, “PA-C”

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